Park Avenue Cafe:
Logo Design, Menu Design, Website Design
Park Avenue Cafe, a coffee shop and cafe that is fittingly located along Park Avenue in Portland, Oregon, previously used its default styling since it was opened in 1987. In 2020, the cafe’s owners approached me in search of a new logo and a complete rebrand of their shop. Since this cafe is located near Portland State University, the owners wanted the new brand to be modern and simple to appeal to younger patrons. However, while they primarily wanted to modernize their brand, they also hoped to include a more classic and timeless style that could express their cafe’s sense of community and togetherness. With these stipulations in mind, I designed a logo, menus, merchandise, and a website to effectively establish Park Avenue Cafe’s brand as a modern, inviting, and inclusive space.
Park Avenue Cafe Logo
Park Avenue Menu Design
Park Avenue Window Logo
Park Avenue Merchandise
Park Avenue Website
Park Avenue Website Video